Hyperthermia is a recent advancement in the field of thermotherapy. By utilizing internal heating through electromagnetic field generators, combined with an external cooling source—both of which are highly and precisely controlled—Hyperthermia surpasses the technological and therapeutic limitations of traditional thermotherapy methods such as infrared, wax, and hot packs. The thermal effect penetrates up to 7 cm with a treatment temperature ranging from 39 to 42 degrees Celsius, leading to improved and faster recovery in many conditions.
Indications for Hyperthermia include:
1. Muscle contractures, contusions, ossified myotis and groin strains.
2. Tendinitis of Achilles tendon, patella, rotator cuff and biceps.
3. Epicondylitis and plantar fasciitis.
4. Knee, lumbar, cervical, metacarpal and coxofemoral arthritis.
5. Stress fracture and adhesive capsulitis.
6. Baker’s Cyst, Trochanteric bursitis and patellar bursitis.
7. Plantar neuroma, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome.