Hyperthermia (Deep Heat) Therapy

Hyperthermia is a recent advancement in the field of thermotherapy. By utilizing ‎internal heating through electromagnetic field generators, combined with an ‎external cooling source—both of which are highly and precisely controlled—‎Hyperthermia surpasses the technological and therapeutic limitations of ‎traditional thermotherapy methods such as infrared, wax, and hot packs. The ‎thermal effect penetrates up to 7 cm with a treatment temperature ranging from ‎‎39 to 42 degrees Celsius, leading to improved and faster recovery in many ‎conditions.‎

Indications for Hyperthermia include:‎
‎1.‎ Muscle contractures, contusions, ossified myotis and groin strains.‎
‎2.‎ Tendinitis of Achilles tendon, patella, rotator cuff and biceps.‎
‎3.‎ Epicondylitis and plantar fasciitis.‎
‎4.‎ Knee, lumbar, cervical, metacarpal and coxofemoral arthritis.‎
‎5.‎ Stress fracture and adhesive capsulitis.‎
‎6.‎ Baker’s Cyst, Trochanteric bursitis and patellar bursitis.‎
‎7.‎ Plantar neuroma, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome.‎

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